Hmm..... Here are 10 reasons why travel makes you feel awesome and a happier person !!!
There's nothing more inspiring and life - changing than letting your restless soul wander where you long to be. The colours and the smells, the people and the culture, the landscapes and the architecture of crazy different corners of the world are bound to ignite the wanderlust in you.
Well , how can one ever regret following their heart ?
#1 : To Sleep Under the Open Sky far away from home
Have you ever dreamt of lying down on the grass under the open sky with the gorgeous fjords and clouds for company and slowly fall asleep feeling the gentle breeze ???
"" Live your life the way you want to , Not the way others want you to "" |
#2 : To Escape from the daily grind into an island paradise.
You may find countless pictures to ponder on the internet and hundreds of blogs to read about the places that lure you at your fingertips. But You will never know how magical a place can really be unless and until you have seen it with your own eyes and experienced it all by yourself.
The turquoise sea and the powdery white sand of Maldives had us dreaming the day away......... |
#3 : To disappear from the Overwhelming rush of noise and crowds of cities
Ever felt the need to escape from that mundane urban lifestyle ? Most of us living in the cities do.Then Pack your bags and head to your favourite beach destination.
Watching the glowing sun disappear below the horizon and staring wide - eyed at the endless expanse of water whilst floating carelessly in the salty waters of an island miles away from your bustling city..... Aaahh BLISS BLISS :-)
Go Beach Bumming - How can one ever get bored of just lying on the beach ?? |
#4 : To forget yourself in nature's lap
Would even great photographers succeed in fully capturing the amazing beauty of Mother Nature ?? Well , that's a tough question to answer.
But there's always something special about experiencing all the elements Nature has to offer with your own eyes. For that , you need to travel !!!
Landscapes like these would leave you dreamy - Eyed |
#5 : To Travel deep into the wilderness of those offbeat forest trails
How exciting is it to discover the untamed beauty of nature meandering through the forest trails, the majestic heritage and native trees spotting large numbers of biodiversity and bird species in a new country !!?
It's strange that you are never alone when you embark on any travel adventure. You will always find that like - minded crazy group of people for company , yay!! :D
Hunting for beautiful untamed Wilderness.................. |
#6 : To ramble through the fields of New Zealand
Is spending a summer afternoon strolling through the majestic countryside of New Zealand on your wish - list ??
It's hard to tear oneself away from the milky - turquoise lakes and stunning Southern Alps of New Zealand.
"" When everything around you is swaying in the wind....."" |
#7 : To hum along and dance to your favourite tunes in a private beach
The islands have some serious splendour where you are transported to an abode of serenity lapped by the vast expanse of Ocean - a perfect place to feel at one with nature.
Ever fantasised of lazing around these li'l havens of tranquility listening to your favourite playlists ?
Is there a better peaceful escape from the hurly - burly of daily life ??
Wish I could take this serenity along with me...................... |
#8 : To Get Lost In the City Of Your Dreams
All of us would have a place from our childhood dreams to talk about. We often find our minds wandering in the streets of that city we always longed to see.
As for us, this city of love and lights had always been in our childhood dreams. How amazing would it feel to finally leave your footprints in the city you always wondered about !!?
If you have one , it's never too late to live your dreams :-)
Finally In Paris !!!! |
#9 : Savouring the View of the Alpine lakes of Switzerland
Chattering away all evening by the awe - inspiring Alpine lakes of Switzerland whilst you are the only ones around to savour the view.
The Stuff of DREAMS |
#10 : To find a perfect picnic spot on a road trip in Iceland
Road Trips are always FUN but sometimes spending too much time on the road can leave you exhausted. Guess how happy one could get stumbling across that perfect picnic spot in the middle of nowhere to munch on your muffins !!
The Greatest pleasure of a Road Trip lies in discovering such offbeat gems of nature :)
We couldn't think of a better place for a snack :-) |
We get to live just one life and we have absolutely NO REASON NOT TO ENJOY IT !!! :-) There's a lot to see and many things to do , probably a lifetime would not be enough to experience all this world has to offer , but it's up to you to make it as full or as empty as you can !!!
Get Packing for your dream destination if this post has managed to inspire you. Near or Far, Doesn't matter. Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things.
Happy Travels !!!
Also read out post on Maldives Paradise :